Optimizing for Operational

Optimizing for Operational

Optimizing for Operational

Digital transformations can feel prehistoric but they are breeding grounds for innovation that possess the potential to capture our imaginations

Digital transformations can feel prehistoric but they are breeding grounds for innovation that possess the potential to capture our imaginations

Digital transformations can feel prehistoric but they are breeding grounds for innovation that possess the potential to capture our imaginations



An integrated financial onboarding platform for the largest bank in the United States was initiating an application redesign for Customer Due Diligence. Insights gained from this pilot can be leveraged towards the effectiveness of the overall Client Onboarding Platform.


We can achieve enhanced customer onboarding speed for KYC workflows by refining data input methods, identifying automation areas, and improving data observability.

Target Persona

Teresa Oscar is a Prime Services Onboarder. She values speed and agility when it comes to her team’s performance. She wants the superpowers of a developer to create the ultimate workflow for her team.

Top User Pain Points

The user's current process require manual work to track cases through emails, phone calls, and external tools

The applications frequently times out leading to data loss

The information needs to be inputted multiple times in different places leading to duplicative data with slight variations


The Customer Due Diligence application was completed to the satisfaction of the business within 9 months

Additionally, 4 consultants were brought on to redesign the overall Client Onboarding application

The learnings from the interventions informed the creation of design principles for the UX design team


Advanced UX for 14k~ Employees World Wide

Conducted 36 user focus group sessions

Defined evaluation criteria & benchmarks

Increased user satisfaction, reduced user-prone errors & enhanced system learnability

Identified areas of automation that stimulated discussions for innovation


Redesign for Clarity

Redesign for Clarity

Before and after of the Client Due Diligence application redesign

An example of low fidelity wireframes and annotations for the CDD application


This visually dense software orchestrated complex processes and had a legacy of UX debt. The system would frequently ‘time out,’ contributing to data loss and user frustration.


Establishing a clear hierarchy, removing redundancies, and minimizing on-page information enhanced user focus so that they could complete their tasks in a reasonable timeframe. This resulted in a 4-point increase in perceived usability on the System Usability Scale.


Digitized Transactions
— Stepper

The requirement sketch of the Credit Legal Package interface

A still of the prototype for the Credit Legal Package interface

User testing results and key findings of the Credit Legal Package prototype


It was impossible to create the desired workflow with the existing developed interaction patterns where selecting and editing data could happen simultaneously. A design solution was needed that preserved data observability and did not sacrifice task success.


Leveraging a stepper enabled the user testers to send a data package within 10 minutes. All 6 testers successfully created a combination of packages in 3 attempts per task or less. The average time for package submission was 5 minutes and 16 seconds.

Large shiny 3D quotation marks
Large shiny 3D quotation marks

The UX design format showing the options and the workflow is extremely helpful for the business to see and conceptualize the expected tech delivery – significant upgrade from mock ups and walkthroughs that didn’t have the same layout previously...

Alexandra Christensen
Executive Director at J.P.Morgan

The UX design format showing the options and the workflow is extremely helpful for the business to see and conceptualize the expected tech delivery – significant upgrade from mock ups and walkthroughs that didn’t have the same layout previously...

Alexandra Christensen
Executive Director at J.P.Morgan


Digitized Transactions
— Progressive Disclosure

The Impact Assessment Questionnaire that was designed with a progressive disclosure

The Impact Assessment Questionnaire designed with a progressive disclosure pattern

The Impact Assessment Questionnaire that was designed with a progressive disclosure pattern


The preferred form layout with multiple-column input fields could not seamlessly transition to a choose-your-own-adventure style interaction, where user responses influence subsequent questions. This limitation hindered the creation of dynamic experiences.


Combining progressive disclosure with a single-column layout created a user-friendly environment that guided the data input process without sacrificing the desire to 'see the entire form'. This approach prevented common errors, as users were less likely to overlook important fields.



Transforming Measures
of Success

Designing an integrated financial onboarding platform for wholesale retail was a stand-out experience in terms of my growth as a design manager. I learned how to recognize opportunities to raise standards and drive meaningful improvements with design. By introducing industry methods for UX evaluation, I was able to broaden the possibility of transformative change.

Measuring success by the number of clicks alone needed further definition. Adding a System Usability Scale (SUS) measure resulted in an unexpected solution that met efficiency standards yet was intuitive and didn't require any training. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria gave structure to subjective critiques. Feedback began to shift from usability issues to enhancements in automation driving the focus towards innovation.

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I have a penchant for unravelling puzzles.